Camille Johnson sitts at a table in an office
Miniature Marvels
卡米尔约翰逊' 21建立在她的研究经验,从澳门金沙线上赌博官网分享新的故事在玩具和微缩的国家博物馆

Camille Johnson’s 21st birthday did not go exactly as planned.

Sitting at her birthday lunch with her family on March 11, 2020, 她收到了一封关于澳门金沙线上赌博官网应对COVID-19和校园关闭的电子邮件. 21岁的约翰逊不得不迅速收拾好她所有的东西,回到波特兰的家中,在网上完成她大三春季学期的剩余课程, Oregon.

Johnson was the first student researcher to join Trinity’s Roots Commission in January 2020. According to Johnson, 由于疫情,根委员会不得不改变原计划,参观澳门金沙线上赌博官网在特瓦卡纳的第一所校园,并在那里亲自进行采访. Instead, 约翰逊和她的同事们开始研究在线记录和数字资源,以拼凑出澳门金沙线上赌博官网历史上的重要人物.

“I had just learned about how to do this kind of work in Dr. Lauren Turek’s public history class the semester before, so it was really cool to look into financial records, for example, 看看澳门金沙线上赌博官网的资金从何而来,并在网上举办了一个关于这些人的展览,” Johnson says.

许多学生在选择专业上花了很多时间,但约翰逊知道她想要主修 anthropology before she even arrived at Trinity.

约翰逊回忆说:“我记得我在大学论文中写过发现自己对人类学的热爱。. “From a young age, I was obsessed with ancient Egypt and watched all sorts of documentaries, so I knew coming in that’s what I wanted to do. Dr. [Jennifer] Mathews was the one who made me wait a semester before declaring just to be sure.”

21岁的卡米尔·约翰逊(Camille Johnson)在伯利兹(Belize)留学,进行考古实地考察.

虽然约翰逊选择了专业,但她确实改变了辅修专业的想法. 随着她对考古学的了解越来越多,她开始学习地球科学,以补充她的专业. 2019年夏天,她出国留学,在伯利兹进行考古实地考察. The more African American studies and history classes she took, however, the more she began to realize where her interests really lie.

“I still have such a passion for archaeology and the science side of it, 但我知道,无论我走哪条路,我都真的想去博物馆. 我对非裔美国人研究和非裔美国人历史的热情确实使我走上了更历史的研究道路,” Johnson explains.

Johnson ended up triple minoring in African American studies, history, and museum studies. Following her graduation from Trinity, 约翰逊获得了库珀斯敦研究生项目的博物馆研究硕士学位.

“I won’t lie. Trinity was hard. I did well, but it was difficult,” Johnson admits. “说实话,研究生院的难度要小得多,因为澳门金沙线上赌博官网给了我挑战,让我做好了准备. Trinity really encourages research, critical thinking, and coming to your own conclusions, so I think that helped me in grad school, which is by default much more open-ended in a lot of ways.”


Johnson has worked as the assistant curator for the National Museum of Toys and Miniatures in Kansas City, Missouri, since September 2023. 博物馆的微缩模型更像是为收藏和展示而设计的精美艺术品, while the museum’s toys were built for play. 据约翰逊说,博物馆通常对未开封的第一版玩具不感兴趣. Instead of a first-edition Barbie that is still sealed in the box, for example, 博物馆更希望有一个初版的芭比娃娃,可以打开来玩, even if that means that Barbie is not in the best condition.

约翰逊说:“我们寻找那些有独特故事或出处的玩具。. “我喜欢讲故事,所以把这些故事呈现给公众非常有趣.”

In her role at the museum, 约翰逊能够将她对非裔美国人研究和历史的热情引导出来.

“我们正在为夏天开幕的一个关于黑色玩偶的展览做准备, which I’m very excited about,” Johnson says. “从本质上讲,我在这里的角色是帮助推动我们的多元化举措. 我正在为我们的永久展览改写一些标签,以反映这一点, 我在做这些事情的时候非常开心,而且我还参与了博物馆的很多不同领域.”


约翰逊被鼓励看到更多的博物馆拥抱艰难的历史,并采取不那么中立的方式来处理重要的事情, 当他们邀请游客在他们的博物馆体验中扮演更积极的角色时,争议性的问题就出现了.

“人们对博物馆的刻板印象是,我们站在象牙塔里,作为知识的高级守护者,向大众传授信息, 但越来越多的博物馆真的希望人们来通过我们展示的事实和我们提出的问题来形成他们自己的知识,” Johnson says.

今年春天,约翰逊毕业后第一次回到校园,参加“澳门金沙赌城线上游戏的历史:过去”活动, Present & “未来”,一系列的小组讨论和讨论标志着根委员会的成就.

“At first, 和我的教授交谈感觉很奇怪,更像是同龄人而不是学生, but it was nice,” Johnson says. “看到这项工作一直在继续,了解到他们能够找到更多的信息,建立更多的联系,这真的很酷, 我很感动地听到,从事这项细致的历史调查工作是多么的光荣 Dr. Carey Latimore’s legacy.”

Johnson helps distribute t-shirts for the 2020 Martin Luther King, Jr. March and stands with Dr. Carey Latimore at her graduation.

约翰逊还记得,上课前,她花了很多时间在拉蒂莫尔的办公室里和他交谈, 她相信这样的人际关系让澳门金沙线上赌博官网的经历变得如此特别和有意义.

“All of the professors I had were impactful in some way. I feel like without any of them, I probably wouldn’t be doing exactly what I am now,” Johnson reflects. “我给每个人的建议是,找到一个你真正喜欢的教授,并跟随他们,因为这种指导是无与伦比的.”

肯尼斯·卡鲁瑟斯(Kenneth Caruthers)是该校校友关系办公室数字通信助理主任.

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