Five degree programs are offered to students interested in a major in chemistry:

  • Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry
  • Bachelor of Science degree in Biochemistry
  • Bachelor of Science degree in Applied Chemistry
  • Bachelor of Science degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
  • Bachelor of Arts degree in Chemistry

The Bachelor of Science degrees in Chemistry and Biochemistry are four-year courses of study designed for those students who plan to be professional chemists and biochemists. Both of these programs meet the standards set by the American Chemical Society to train chemists for industry and graduate programs in chemistry and biochemistry.

The Bachelor of Science degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology is offered jointly with the Department of Biology, and meets the needs of students preparing for graduate studies at the interface of chemistry and biology. This program meets the standards set by the American Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology to train biochemists and molecular biologists for industry and graduate programs in these fields. Course offerings in this program are balanced between Chemistry and Biology, whereas the B.S. in Biochemistry coursework is primarily in Chemistry.

The Bachelor of Arts program is suitable for students who desire a core degree in Chemistry and provides the flexibility to couple that desire with other interests and opportunities. Students earning the B.A. in Chemistry can go on to graduate study, and this degree is appropriate for students interested in art conservation, premedical training, secondary school teaching, and interdisciplinary studies such as biophysics, environmental sciences, oceanography, and toxicology.

All students interested in a major are encouraged to begin research involvements during their first and sophomore years. The course offering “Research Techniques and Applications” (CHEM-1190) provides students with the opportunity to be engaged in the ongoing research programs of chemistry faculty, and a significant component of this experience will involve the use of sophisticated instrumentation for specific research applications. The junior-senior course “Independent Research in Chemistry and Biochemistry” (CHEM-3190, CHEM-3290, CHEM-3390, or CHEM-3490) then allows experienced students to undertake suitably challenging projects with faculty.

Chemistry (CHEM)

CHEM-1111 General Chemistry Lab for Engineers
Emphasis is placed on the development of laboratory skills that are fundamental to experimental chemistry. Laboratory operations include the use of traditional gravimetric and volumetric procedures, computational modeling, and spectroscopy. Prerequisite: ENGR 1381 Corequisite: CHEM 1311
1 credit
Lower Division
CHEM-1112 General Chemistry Laboratory
Emphasis is placed on the development of laboratory skills that are fundamental to experimental chemistry. Laboratory operations include the use of modern potentiometric and spectrophotometric methods of analysis as well as traditional gravimetric and volumetric procedures. Laboratory, 3 hours per week. Corequisite: CHEM 1312.
1 credit
Lower Division
Approaches to Creation and Analysis | The Natural Sciences
CHEM-1190 Research Techniques and Applications
Involvement in ongoing research programs with individual faculty. Information retrieval, chemical and instrumental methods, and experimental design for the solution of specific problems are emphasized. 6 laboratory hours a week for 1 semester. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
1 credit
Lower Division
CHEM-1301 The Chemistry of Crime
The study of forensic chemistry, with an emphasis on the scientific basis for the various techniques used in solving crimes. The course is designed as studio course which includes both lectures and laboratory experiments during the class period. The course will contain a minimum of 25 hours of laboratory activities. Two field trips on Friday afternoon/Saturday morning may be required. This course is intended for students who major in a non-science discipline. Credit for CHEM 1301 will not be given to those students who have already fulfilled (or who is currently enrolled in a course fulfilling) the Natural Sciences section of the Approaches to Creation and Analysis portion of the Pathways Curriculum.
3 credits
Lower Division
Approaches to Creation and Analysis | The Natural Sciences
CHEM-1303 Chemistry in Everyday Life
The study of fundamental chemical concepts and the role chemistry plays in our everyday life. Topics will include atomic and molecular structure, chemical bonds, acids and bases, liquids and solids, energy, medicinal chemistry, and food chemistry. This course is designed as a studio course which includes both lectures and laboratory activities during the class period. This course is intended for students who major in a non-science discipline. Credit for CHEM 1303 will not be given to those students who have already fulfilled (or who is currently enrolled in a course fulfilling) the Natural Sciences section of the Approaches to Creation and Analysis portion of the Pathways Curriculum.
3 credits
Lower Division
Approaches to Creation and Analysis | The Natural Sciences
CHEM-1305 The Chemistry of Art
The study of the chemical foundation of the art world. Topics range from a study of the historical development of technical innovations and discoveries which impacted the evolution of art, to the chemical and physical properties of artists' materials, to an introduction to conservation and the analysis of works of art. The course is designed as a studio course which includes both lectures and laboratory experiments during the class period. A minimum of one half of the course meeting times will be laboratory activities. This course is intended for students who major in a non-science discipline. Credit for CHEM 1305 will not be given to those students who have already fulfilled (or who are currently enrolled in a course fulfilling) the Natural Sciences section of the Approaches to Creation and Analysis portion of the Pathways Curriculum.
3 credits
Lower Division
Approaches to Creation and Analysis | The Natural Sciences
CHEM-1311 General Chemistry I
The first semester of a two-semester general chemistry sequence. An introduction to fundamental concepts in the chemical sciences with an emphasis placed on problem solving in chemistry. Topics covered will include atomic structure, stoichiometry, the mole, balancing chemical reactions, atomic electronic structure, an introduction to chemical bonding, and gas laws. Lecture, 3 hours per week.
3 credits
Lower Division
CHEM-1312 General Chemistry II
The continuation of CHEM 1311. Topics covered will include thermochemistry, free energy and entropy, chemical kinetics, chemical equilibrium, acid base chemistry, electrochemistry, the properties of solutions, intermolecular forces, and an introduction to quantum chemistry. Lecture, 3 hours per week. Prerequisite: CHEM-1311 -OR- 4 or 5 on the Chemistry AP Exam Corequisite: CHEM-1112
3 credits
Lower Division
Approaches to Creation and Analysis | The Natural Sciences
CHEM-2119 Laboratory Methods in Organic Chemistry
The laboratory stresses modern techniques for the preparation and analysis of organic compounds. Infrared spectral analyses and chromatographic separations are introduced. Laboratory, 3 hours per week. Corequisite: CHEM 2319. Prerequisite: CHEM 1112 or equivalent.
1 credit
Lower Division
CHEM-2120 Chemical Synthesis Laboratory
Continued development of student laboratory experience with emphasis on organic and inorganic syntheses. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, use of Chemical Abstracts, and technical writing are emphasized. Laboratory, 5 hours per week, alternate weeks; discussion session 1 hour each week. Pre- or Corequisite: CHEM 2320. Prerequisite: CHEM 2119.
1 credit
Lower Division
CHEM-2319 Organic Chemistry I
Introduction to the basic principles of organic chemistry through studies of the structures, properties, and reactions of carbon-based compounds. Lecture, 3 hours per week. Corequisite: CHEM 2119. Prerequisite: CHEM 1312 or 1318 or equivalent.
3 credits
Lower Division
CHEM-2320 Organic Chemistry II
The continuation of Chemistry 2319 with emphasis on structure-activity relationships, mechanisms, and synthesis of complex organic compounds. Lecture, 3 hours per week. Prerequisite: CHEM 2319
3 credits
Lower Division
CHEM-3000 BCMB Seminar
Students must attend a minimum of 10 scientific seminars. Appropriate seminars are those offered by the Department of Biology, the Department of Chemistry, the Department of Physics and Astronomy, the Neuroscience Program, and/or seminars presented as part of the Distinguished Scientist Lecture Series. (Same as BIOL 3000) Pass/Fail, 1 hour per week. Offered each semester. Prerequisite: CHEM 2320.
0 credits
Upper Division
CHEM-3001 Chemistry Seminar I
Exposure to the breadth of chemistry through attendance at the department seminar. Students will have the opportunity to interact with the speaker and discuss the work in greater detail. Short essays based on the lectures and reading from the chemical literature will be assigned for the student to assess the significance of the work and place it into the larger scientific context. Pass/Fail only, 1 hour per week. Offered each semester. Prerequisite: CHEM 2320.
0 credits
Upper Division
CHEM-3101 Chemistry Seminar II
Exposure to the breadth of chemistry through attendance at the department seminar. Students will have the opportunity to interact with the speaker and discuss the work in greater detail. Short essays based on the lectures and reading from the chemical literature will be assigned for the student to assess the significance of the work and place it into the larger scientific context. Course may be repeated up to three times. Pass/Fail only, 1 hour per week. Offered each semester. Prerequisite: CHEM 3000 or 3001.
1 credit
Upper Division
CHEM-3121 Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory
Synthesis, spectroscope characterization, and reactivity studies of inorganic compounds. Students will develop advanced synthesis and characterization techniques, and will become familiar with the Inorganic Chemistry literature. In the second half of the semester, students may be able to develop individual projects relating to the broader fields of interest. Laboratory 3 hours per week. Prerequisite CHEM 2220, 3334. Pre-or Corequisite: CHEM 3135, 3321, or consent of instructor.
1 credit
Upper Division
CHEM-3130 Advanced Chemical Principles Laboratory
Emphasis is placed on the development of foundational laboratory techniques and skills, including attention to details and precision. Utilizing quantitative instrumental techniques, students build a deeper level of experimentation and problem solving skills while becoming increasingly independent. Laboratory, 3 hours per week. Prerequisite: CHEM 2120
1 credit
Upper Division
CHEM-3135 Physical Chemistry Laboratory
Experimentation in physical and biophysical chemistry using modern laboratory techniques and instrumentation. The emphases of the course are to illustrate physical chemistry principles and to develop careful and critical experimental expertise. Topics covered include chemical kinetics, thermodynamics and equilibrium. Laboratory, 3 hours per week. Prerequisites: CHEM 3334, 3432
1 credit
Upper Division
The Capacities | Written Communication
CHEM-3190 Independent Research in Chemistry & Biochemistry
Analyses directed to the solution of a problems having mutual student and faculty interest. All available instrumental and technical resources appropriate to this research are employed. Oral and written communication of results are required. 6 laboratory hours a week per credit hour. An end of semester written report is required. Attendance at departmental seminars is expected. Prerequisite: Junior standing.
1 credit
Upper Division
CHEM-3231 Biochemistry Laboratory
An introduction to modern experimental biochemistry. The course emphasizes analytical and physical methods used in isolating and determining the properties of proteins, and nucleic acids. Laboratory - 4 hours per week. Prerequisites: CHEM 3330, 2120.
2 credits
Upper Division
The Capacities | Written Communication
CHEM-3280 Chemistry Peer Tutor
Peer tutoring for a chemistry course. Under the guidance and supervision of the course instructor, tutors will assist students in learning chemical concepts and in developing problem solving skills. Office hours and class attendance required. Graded on a pass/fail basis. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 4 credit hours. Pass/Fail only. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor
2 credits
Upper Division
CHEM-3290 Independent Research in Chemistry & Biochemistry
Analyses directed to the solution of a problems having mutual student and faculty interest. All available instrumental and technical resources appropriate to this research are employed. Oral and written communication of results are required. 6 laboratory hours a week per credit hour. An end of semester written report is required. Attendance at departmental seminars is expected. Prerequisite: Junior standing.
2 credits
Upper Division
CHEM-3321 Inorganic Chemistry
Chemistry of the main group and transition metal elements, with emphasis on the application of fundamental chemical principles to trends in stability and reactivity. Topics include atomic theories, bonding, molecular structure, symmetry and group theory, acid-base theories, thermodynamic properties, kinetics and reactivity, redox properties, coordination compounds, organometallic chemistry, solid state chemistry, catalysis and bioinorganic chemistry. Lecture 3 hours per week. Prerequisite: CHEM 2320, 3334.
3 credits
Upper Division
The Capacities | Oral and Visual Communication
CHEM-3330 Biochemistry I
The structure and function of biological molecules. The course emphasizes protein and nucleic acid structure and metabolism, mechanisms of enzyme action, membrane structure and dynamics, and energy production, storage, and utilization. Lecture, 3 hours per week. Prerequisite: CHEM 2320
3 credits
Upper Division
CHEM-3334 Physical Chemistry I
Emphasis is placed on the effect of temperature, pressure, volume and chemical composition on chemical equilibrium and reaction rates through the development of fundamental principles of chemical thermodynamics and reaction kinetics. Lecture, 3 hours per week. Pre- or Corequisite: PHYS 1309 or 1311. Prerequisites: CHEM 1312; MATH 1312.
3 credits
Upper Division
CHEM-3335 Physical Chemistry II
A continuation of Chemistry 3334 with emphasis on quantum mechanical approaches to chemical structure and dynamics, statistical mechanics, and theoretical developments in chemistry. Lecture, 3 hours per week. Pre- or Corequisite: PHYS 1310 or 1312. Prerequisite: CHEM 3334.
3 credits
Upper Division
CHEM-3380 Chemistry Peer Tutor
Peer tutoring in a lower division chemistry course. Under the guidance and supervision of the course instructor, tutors will assist students in learning chemical concepts and in developing problem solving skills. Office hours and class attendance required. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours. (Offered occasionally.) Prerequisite: Consent of instructor
3 credits
Upper Division
CHEM-3390 Independent Research in Chemistry & Biochemistry
Analyses directed to the solution of a problems having mutual student and faculty interest. All available instrumental and technical resources appropriate to this research are employed. Oral and written communication of results are required. 6 laboratory hours a week per credit hour. Attendance at departmental seminars is expected. Prerequisite: Junior standing.
3 credits
Upper Division
CHEM-3398 Honors Reading
Independent study in selected areas in preparation for Honors Thesis. May be taken for up to three hours of credit. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
3 credits
Upper Division
CHEM-3432 Analytical Chemistry
Principles of quantitative chemical analysis. Discussions will include topics such as sampling, statistical analysis, experimental design and optimization, chemical equilibrium, volumetric and gravimetric techniques, electrochemistry, and elementary instrumental analysis. Typical laboratory experience includes volumetric analysis and elementary instrumental analysis. 3 lecture hours and 3 lab hours per week. Prerequisite: CHEM-3130 or the combination of CHEM-1312 and CHEM-1112 with GEOS-2400.
4 credits
Upper Division
CHEM-3490 Independent Research in Chemistry & Biochemistry
Analyses directed to the solution of a problems having mutual student and faculty interest. All available instrumental and technical resources appropriate to this research are employed. Oral and written communication of results are required. 6 laboratory hours a week per credit hour. Attendance at departmental seminars is expected. Prerequisite: Junior standing.
4 credits
Upper Division
CHEM-4242 Advanced Analytical Methods
Principles of modern instrumental analysis, with emphasis on separation methods and mass spectrometry. Both theory and practical experience are addressed. Appropriate laboratory experience emphasizes use of sophisticated chemical instrumentation. Equivalent of 1 lecture hour and 3 laboratory hours per week. Prerequisite: CHEM 3432. CHEM 3334 is recommended.
2 credits
Upper Division
CHEM-4250 Adv Chem Lab I: Analysis/Quantification
Advanced experimentation in chemistry and biochemistry with an emphasis on instrumental methods and chemical analysis. A team-taught course designed to bring the perspectives of multiple disciplines to bear on advanced laboratory problems. The course will focus on thermochemical analysis, kinetic methods, and molecular spectroscopy to study complex chemical and biochemical problems. Prerequisites: CHEM 3334, 3432
2 credits
Upper Division
The Capacities | Written Communication
CHEM-4250 Senior Integrated Laboratory
Advanced experimentation in chemistry and biochemistry. A team-taught course designed to bring the perspectives of multiple disciplines to bear on advanced laboratory problems. The emphasis in the course will be on the use of emission and absorption spectroscopy, magnetic resonance, electrochemistry, and computational chemistry to study complex chemical and biochemical problems. Equivalent of 1 lecture hour and 6 laboratory hours per week. (offered every Fall). Prerequisites: CHEM 3334, 3335, 3135.
2 credits
Upper Division
CHEM-4251 Adv Chem Lab II: Synthesis/Spectroscopy
Advanced experimentation in chemistry with an emphasis on chemical synthesis and the various spectroscopic and computational methods used to probe the physical properties of chemical systems. The course will focus on the synthesis of inorganic and organometallic complexes, the analysis of inorganic compounds by: optical, magnetic resonance, and vibrational spectroscopies, the use of catalysts in the synthesis of organic compounds, advanced separations, and modern computational chemistry. Laboratory, 6 hours per week. Prerequisite: CHEM-3321 and CHEM-3432
2 credits
Upper Division
CHEM-4340 Biochemistry II
The continuation of CHEM 3330 with emphasis on metabolism, biosynthesis, and gene expression. Lecture, 3 hours per week. Prerequisites: CHEM 3330, 3334.
3 credits
Upper Division
The Capacities | Written Communication
CHEM-4346 Advanced Interdisciplinary Topics-Fall
Advanced topics in chemistry, with an emphasis on modern approaches in interdisciplinary areas. Topics will vary from semester to semester and may include physical inorganic, physical organic, bioinorganic, bioorganic, organometallic chemistry or the chemistry of materials. Lecture, 3 hours per week. Pre- or Corequisite: CHEM 3334
3 credits
Upper Division
The Capacities | Oral and Visual Communication
CHEM-4347 Advanced Interdisciplinary Topics-Spring
Advanced topics in chemistry, with an emphasis on modern approaches in interdisciplinary areas. Topics will vary from semester to semester and may include physical inorganic, physical organic, bioinorganic bioorganic, bioanalytical, organometallic chemistry, or the chemistry of materials. Lecture, 3 hours per week, Spring. Prerequisite: CHEM 3334.
3 credits
Upper Division
The Capacities | Oral and Visual Communication
CHEM-4360 Neurochemistry
Neurochemistry explores the overlap of chemistry, biochemistry, and neuroscience. Students will learn about how the central nervous system functions at the molecular level. The topics covered include neurotransmitter synthesis, metabolism, and utilization, how membrane potentials are created, maintained and used in action potentials, and the role of the membrane in neuron function. Students will also delve into the neurochemical literature. (Also listed as NEUR-4360) Lecture- 3 hours per week. Prerequisite: CHEM-3330
3 credits
Upper Division
The Capacities | Oral and Visual Communication
CHEM-4395 Thesis Research in Chemistry and Biochemistry
Written communication of research performed at Trinity University in thesis form. Course enrollment requires a minimum of two semesters of research involvement in a research project and the permission of the department chair.
3 credits
Upper Division
CHEM-4399 Honors Thesis
Individual research and scholarly investigation under faculty supervision leading to the preparation of an Honors Thesis. To be taken only by Senior Honors students in both terms of their Senior year. Includes participation in Senior Colloquium where students present reports on their Thesis work.
3 credits
Upper Division
Corina Maeder
Corina Maeder, Ph.D.
Department Chair
Associate Professor & Chemistry Chair
" "
Nathalia Almeida
Visiting Assistant Professor
Meredith (Mia) Borden, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Christina Cooley
Christina Cooley, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
" "
Mark Davidson
Part-Time Faculty
" "
Paula Garza
Research Technician
headshot of Dr. Maggie Gustafson
Maggie Gustafson, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Laura Hunsicker-Wang
Laura Hunsicker-Wang, Ph.D.
Professor, Co-Director BCMB
Joseph Lambert
Joseph B. Lambert, Ph.D.
Research Professor of Chemistry
headshot of Graham Piburn_2022
Graham Piburn
Headshot of Rebecca Rapf
Rebecca Rapf, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
" "
Raymond Sadeghi
Part-Time Faculty
headshot of Jason Shearer_2022
Jason Shearer, Ph.D.
Semmes Distinguished Professor of Chemistry
headshot of Paolo Suating_2022
Paolo Suating
Postdoctoral Fellow
headshot of Adam_Urbach_2023
Adam Urbach, Ph.D.
" "
Marina Vargas
Research Associate II

Contact Us

 Department website

 Corina Maeder, Ph.D. (Chair — Summer '23 and Spring '24)

 Adam Urbach, Ph.D. (Acting Chair — Fall '23)


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